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Mila Grace Fischer

Here I Am!
Born on June 4, 2012
8lbs - 181/4"

My First Hour Out

Well isn't this interesting. Just a little bit ago I was in my Mommy's stomach having a great time punching, kicking and stretching, it was a lot of fun. I was trying to position myself so I could get some rest but I kept hearing Mommy screaming and groaning. Then I saw some light...It got brighter and brighter...all of a sudden Mommy grabbed me and pulled real hard and out I popped. I think I heard a sigh of relief from Mommy.

I don't understand, I was perfectly happy inside. It was warm and cozy. Now it's gets really weird. These people weigh me, measure me, stick their fingers in my mouth... I started crying but nobody cared. Finally they put some clothes and a hat on me and that felt warm and cozy. But wait, the weirdness didn't stop there. There were all these people looking at me, touching me, cooing at me, passing me around, snapping pictures of me and generally just making fools of themselves. Wow, never saw anything like that before.

Reading Time

06/12 - This is my big sister Addy. She's so big she can go to the bathroom all by herself while catching up on her reading.

06/12 - This is my Papa, he looks nice.

Papa and Me
Bebe and Me

06/12 - This is my Bebe, she seems nice too, and soft. I just might like this being out!

06/12 - This is my family, Dad is a little scary looking but Mommy and Addy are beautiful, I'm sure I'll look like them. I wonder if Dad has any hair under that Black thing on his head.

My Family
Gavin, Hayley and Addy

06/12 - These are my cousins Gavin and Hayley and my Big Sister Addy. I can't wait to get out of these baby blankets and go play with them. Fun, Fun, Fun!

06/12 - Sisters, Sisters, There were never such devoted Sisters! Ahhh, not only is she cute, she's a great pillow...so soft

New Suit

12/12 - The biggest problem about being my age is the total lack of respect your parents have for you. Can you believe they would dress me like this..and then take a picture of it?

01/13 - Hey, check out my Sis and Cuz. If I can just get them to sing, we could be a famous trio,  but I'll have to be the lead singer :-)

New Suit

05/13 - Sssuuup? How ya doin? I'm just Chillin' in the Car diggin the sounds!

06/13 - What??? It's my damn cake and I can eat it anyway I want!

Cake, Cake
Soccer Time

09/13 - Hurry Up Bebe, I have to get over there and help Addy make a goal with that soccer ball.

11/13 - Yep, I can feel modeling in my future. Glad I've got Addy to keep the sun off my face.

Mom and Me

11/13 - Love, Love, Love...Mom, you really kiss good.

11/13 - It's Me...Just making a funny face

Funny Face
The Kids

12/13 - What a beautiful group...Me, my sister Addy and my cousins Gavin and Hayley.

1/14 - Yeah, yeah..my body is a canvas. I just Love being so creative?

Mila Painted

01/14 - Maaaaaaammaaaaa! Can we please put the cookies on a lower shelf?.

3/14 - There was an old TV show called The Little Rascals, aka Spanky and Our Gang. Papa says I look like I was one of the Gang. Since they already had Spanky, Buckwheat and Alfalfa all they needed was a "Moosh"

Our Gang Mila
Mila's Pedicure

9/14 - Well!...Auntie took Hayley and Addison for a spa day and they had pedicures. Who needs a spa, I can do this myself.

10/14 - Happy Halloween to everyone, my sister and I love getting dressed up. And I love making silly faces.

Holloween 2014
Mila's in the Tree

11/14 - Shoot, they could have counted to 50 ten times already. They're sure having a hard time finding me. I'm the best at Hide and Seek. 102..103..104..105..106 whew, I'm getting tired of this.

12/14 - I Love my Big Sister Addy. But, I'm still going to have to pick on her...It's my job. :-)

Sister Love
Just Posing

2/15 - OK, I don't get it but you want me to throw my head around and look back and you call that Posing?

4/15 - Me, my big sister Addison and our bestest cousins Gavin and Hayley

Me, Addy and our Cousins
Beaching it

4/15 - Me and Addy at the Beach. Yeah, I know, we look like professional models.

5/15 - Me, Addison and Daddy. We sure love this guy, he's the best Daddy ever

Me, Addy and Daddy
I'm so pretty

6/15 - Get over it, I'm so pretty that everyone wants to take my picture. Oh well, I guess I better get used to it.

6/15 - OK, so we go to this Mexican restaurant, everyone is having a great time, then when my dessert comes they all think it's sooooo funny to stick this big Mexican Hat on my little head, look at all those smiles...how embarrassing, I could barely eat my cupcake

Mexican Hat
More Posing

10/15 - Maybe if I pose for the cameras I might get discovered and they'll let me play soccer too.

11/15 - So let me tell you how lucky I was. I was at Gavin's baseball game and guess I ate too much. My stomach was so sick but Lucky Me, Papa was there to hold me and help me feel better. The only thing I don't understand is Papa said he was the Lucky One. Go figure

My Papa
Hanging with the Kids

11/15 - Just hanging out with Addison, Gavin, Hayley and Chance.

What...No, that's not a cookie I'm putting into my mouth, you probably need eyeglasses.

1/16 - This is a great way to wake up my sister Addy. I just love her so much!

Hugging my Sister
Grandkids 5-16

5/16 - Hanging with my sister Addison and my cousins Hayley and Gavin. And, no I did not pick out our dresses, that was my mom.

8/16 - I'm one Grateful young Diva, and you ought to see me dance!

Dad's B-Day 2017

4/17 - Here is Dad, Addi and Me celebrating Dad's Birthday. Yummy, Notice who's holding the cake. Let's eat cake!

6/17 - Check me out, I'm a Gesher Graduate 2017. WTH is a Gesher Graduate?

Gesher Grad
Me and Mila on sand

6/17 - Just hanging out watching my cousin play baseball.

Me and Mila on sand

5/18 - Addi and I playing around on a sand hill. So nice to have a sister to play with and love.

6/18 - Well, I can be a dancer, model or even play ball. I'm soooo versatile

Gesher Grad
Bebe Addi Me and Ice Cream

8/18 - Me, Addi and Bebe eating ice cream cones. Can you tell what flavor I like?

12/18 - It's me, Mila and Mamma. Aren't we a beautiful trio?

Me Mamma and Mila

3/19 - Yep, I play a little soccer in addition to all of my other talents

6/19 - So, you say I'm not special? How many non-special people do you know have their picture baked into their own birthday cake?

My Cake
Mila with Pearls

6/19 - Well they said dress up as a famous person. What's wrong with being the Queen of Pearls?

12/19 - OK, so you don't like the Queen of Pearls, how about one of the Village People? Or, maybe just a bad ass chick...Me!

Village Person

2020 - We now move into the infamous 2020


The Corona Virus (Covid-19) changed the way we lived our lives. Masks and Social Distancing along with meticulous hand washing became the norm, at least for the first half of 2020 and certainly impacted the way we photographed our experiences. As a result, there were very few pictures for publication so the picture below is representative of the crazy year.

2020 - We always gave Papa a picture of his 4 grandkids for Father's Day. 2020 was no different, but the picture sure was. As they say, a picture is worth a 1,000 words

Masked Grandkids

Mila Grace Fischer ©2012-2021. All rights reserved.