Here I Am!
Born on September 12, 2008
5lb 2oz - 18"
This is My Page
Well, I know, my eyes are closed but what do you expect for my
first half-hour here. Give me a little time and I'll get with the program.
You can probably tell by my height and weight, I'm bound to be a
Just you wait,
I'm going to be so cute my big brother Gavin will be soooo jealous.
So the real question is... Will he be chasing my girlfriends around
like my Unka Dunk did with Mommy's girlfriends.. or will I be going after his
boyfriends...Maybe both, too soon to tell. Anyway, stay tuned for
more details.
10/18/08 - Hey, Hey Hey! Only 36 days and I got my eyes to stay open. Now the fun starts!
10/31/08 - Hey, I heard they have this thing called Halloween! I have no idea what that is
but I heard Gavin telling Mom that he gets candy on Halloween. Well, I'm up for that!
10/08 - Hey Gavin, Oh Gavin!
Oh C'mon, I know you really love me.
Enough of this trying to ignore me, your stuck with me, I'm not leaving!!!
11/08 - We're getting ready to
go to Thanksgiving Dinner. Anyone think this head band makes my ears
look big?
11/08 - That's better..Now my
ears look cute (and small).
11/08 - Hey..Are you guys nuts?
My privates are showing! Mom, just cause there's a picture of you
like this doesn't mean I need one too!
3/09 - Well, you've all heard
of Ole Blue Eyes. Ha! Check These out. Eat your heart out Frankie.
3/09 - Here we go again with
this naked stuff. Hey Mom, watch that towel, it tickles!
4/09 - This is my 7 months old
B'Day present. Went to the Beach. You'd at least thought they could
have bought me a pair of sunglasses. This squinting stuff is for the
4/09 - See Mom, I told you
Gavin could hold me without pushing, punching, pinching or twisting. But,
keep your eye on him, I don't trust the look on his face.
4/09 - O.K. since my Mom and
Dad are obsessed with my nudity, at least answer one question...
Does my Ass look big on this blankie?
4/09 - Mooommm! That's my ear
you're chewing on.
4/09 - Whatchu Talkin bout. I
love this headband and no, it doesn't make my forehead look big.
4/09 - So, what do you think?
Does this Bra fit me right? It feels a little restricting under the
arms. Daddy says it's not a bra, it's a Chastity Belt and it comes
off when I get married.
6/09 - I went to meet my new
cousin Addison. She's only a couple of days old...Booorring! But,
look what I found at her house. Giddy Up Harmon, let's roam the
8/09 - Can someone please help
me. They've left me here with all these toys and nothing to eat.
What's up with that?
8/09 - Whoo Hoo!, I'm not the
youngest anymore. Now that cousin Addy's here, I get to graduate to
"big girl". Don't be upset Gavin, you'll always be my big brother.
8/09 - Hey Bebe, Check me out,
I'm a little cowgirl. You better get Harmon brushed up for me, it
won't be long before I'll be able to help you with that wild
8/09 - I don't get it! Gavin
and Daddy have hats on and Mommy has shades and they leave me to
squint at the sunlight, Wha suup with dat? You'd think they'd want
to show off my big blue eyes. Sooooo Jealous!
2/10 - What can I say, this
spoon has a mind of it's own!
3/10 - Again, no hat for me...
Oh well, at least I got the crackers..Ummm!
12/10 - Dude, Hold it! Don't even think about taking my Lollipop.
12/10 - I really Love my Big Brother Gavin
1/11 - Got hurry and finish
this cake before Mom comes back!
6/12 - Mom, MOM!, don't you have a bigger basket for
me? There's still Easter Eggs and I can't fit them in this one.
2/13 - Me and Addy. BFF's forever..even with cold butts!
3/13 - Soccer, Soccerr, Socccceeerrrr...I love it, it's like I'm flying.
4/13 - And, the best
part of playing Soccer....Cooookkkkiiees
5/13 - Papa, Bebe and Gavin...What
the heck is so funny?
6/13 - Me, Gavin and my cousins Addy and Mila...Gorgeous Group.
9/13 - It's my Party and I'll eat if I want to...Cake, Cake and more
11/13 - BFF's even with warm
butts...Me and Addy...Don't we look like teenagers?.
11/13 - Formal Me and G...A sort of preview of the future!
12/13 - OK, Now I know my parents are nuts! Can you believe what they
think is fun? OMG, get me off this crazy log ride before my face breaks.
11/13 - Look Out Lady Gaga...Hayley and Addy rock the house down!
11/13 - Soccer...Yuck, I'm going to play T-Ball. Gavin is helping me
learn how to bat.
12/13 - Me and my Bro...He's kinda cute, don't ya think?
3/14 - Can you say Model? I know,
I'm just too beautiful for words but heck, if you've got it...Flaunt
7/14 - Me and my BFF cousin Addy. What a pair we make!
We're going to drive the boys nuts in a few years!
7/14 - Yo! check out me and my "crew" chillin in Cabo.
9/14 - Me and Addy again. See,
we are BFF's. We are hot!
9/14 - It's my party...No, Papa is not trying to bite me, he's singing
Happy Birthday to me. OK already, lets finish the song so I can get to the cake.
10/14 - Happy Holloween. My Brother and I just love dressing up for
11/14 - Bored at Gavin's Baseball game. Maybe if I hang here with my
ball, some of those cuties will come by and challenge me to a game of handball?
HeHeHe, they won't stand a chance.
12/14 - Just hangin' out at the ball field watching my Bro' playing
baseball. Go Warhawks!
12/14 - Winter hiking with the family. Soooo Fun!
1/15 - In case you can't tell, I Love me some Gavin! My Big Brother and my Best
4/15 - At the Beach with Gavin and Mom. So Much Fun!
4/15 - Kiss, Kiss, Kiss...Papa just loves this - Can you blame him?
7/15 - No Mom, you can't have any of my'll just have to
order your own!
10/15 - Here I am holding court. Poor Boys, they're going to lose. "Hey
Emily, are you getting all of this?"
10/15 - Love Halloween...Tell me, have you ever seen a more beautiful
pirate? I didn't think so.
11/15 - Check us out! Me and Addy taking to the ice.
12/15 - Can you sing? Me and Papa down by the restaurant.
I just love eating and in this place. I love, love, love Baby Back Ribs
here at Wood Ranch BBQ
12/15 - Check out our Winter School Show. I'm such a good singer and love
And, check out my Mom, you can
tell who she is 'cause she looks just like me...she had Winter Shows too
but in those days they didn't have cell phones for taking video.
1/16 - Starting off the New Year
right with my big bro Gavin in Cancun
5/16 - Me and my BFF cousin Addison. We're together a lot so sorry if you get tired of our pics.
11/16 - Presenting the Slobin Family. Dad, Mom, Gavin and Me
5/17 - See. I told you you'd be seeing lots of pictures of me and my BFF. How about this one, years apart.
6/17 - Here I am with Papa, Bebe, Gavin and Grandma Rae after one of my dance recitals. Everyone loves to watch me dance!
9/17 - I'm not sure, but I'm either meditating or sleeping
12/17 - Here Addison and I are off to sleep over camp. BFF's forever!
4/18 - Look where we spent Papa's 70th Birthday. That's right, Santa Anita Race Track. Sooo Much Fun.
7/18 - Yep, you're right...It's me and Addison again.
3/19 - Here I am at another one of my dance recitals. Boy can I jump high.
6/19 - This is cute, here I am entering Kindergarten and graduating the 5th grade. Whew, I thought it would be harder than that!
7/19 - Yep, right again...It's me and Addison
once more
12/19 - Me and Addison again with my cousin Mila.
How did we let them dress us up like that. Can you believe the silly suits
we are all dressed up in? WTH?
2020 - We now move into the infamous 2020
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) changed the way we lived our lives. Masks and Social Distancing along with
meticulous hand washing became the norm, at least for the first half
of 2020 and certainly impacted the way we photographed our experiences. As a result, there were very few pictures for publication so the picture below is
representative of the crazy year.
2020 - We always gave Papa a picture of his 4 grandkids for Father's Day. 2020 was no different, but the picture sure was. As they say, a picture is
worth a 1,000 words
Covid-19 lasted into 2021
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) of 2020
continued to hang around through 2021 and as a result, there continued to be few pictures for publication.
10/8/21 - My Bat Mitzvah Montage
10/31/21 - Me and my Bro are ready to go - Happy Halloween
2/22 - Yep, all of those dance lessons sure did pay off!