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Gavin Ross Slobin

Born on July 9, 2006

Welcome to my web page. My Papa decided that I should have my own web page even though I'm only 15 months old, so I said "gabadjb" which Papa interpreted as "Coooool". So, here it is, a work in progress, so check back often for updates.

Gavin at 3 mos Gavin at 8 mos

Here's my Mom and Dad. Aren't they Cute? I think they like each other! I can't figure out who I look like...humm, check out my Mom's nose.

And, here's Papa, Auntie Meggie, BeBe and Unka Dunk. Can you guess who's who?

By the way, did I mention I like to eat? Especially BeBe's spaghetti... Yummy!  I just can't wait 'till I get a little older, I'm sure my hand will work better (and faster)

Here's my Mom's Mom with her Mom and of course Unka Dunk

2 years old - I feel like I'm in jail! What the heck, all I did was turn 2 and they threw me into this "bouncy" cage. I think I'm mis-understood.

Guitar Man

Look-out Jimmy Hendrix - Look at me, I'm a music maven. Don't these guys have a smaller guitar. How am I supposed to rock out when my arms won't reach the strings? O.K., I know it's a violin but I can dream can't I?

Houston..We have a Problem! - OMG do you see what they brought home? What's up with that? And, what's all that cooooing I'm hearing. Hey, can you please put her back in Mommy's tummy! There's not enough room in MY house for both of us... Mommy and Daddy are mine!

Little Sis
Gavin, Hayley and Dad

No! I won't Dad - I think if I don't look at her, she doesn't exist. Sooo, no looking. I'll make you a deal. Send her back and I'll watch her go all the way "home" in Mommy, otherwise, I ain't interested. I Don't See Her, LaDeDa, LaDeDa, she's not here...

Halloween '08, Yeah! - Do you think I can use my tools and turn this pumpkin into mush? Nah.. Maybe I can get Mommy to make Pumpkin Pie, Yeah, that's the ticket. Candy and Pumpkin Pie, life is wonderful.

Little Sis
Gavin Cleaning Shower

Pre Thanksgiving '08! - How come I have to clean this shower when Thanksgiving Dinner is not at my house? I think this is child abuse!

OMG! - Can someone please Help? I' having trouble keeping this BIG thing inside.

Gavin on Toi Toi
Gavn Playing Piano

Singing for Thanksgiving '08 Dinner! - Can we please eat after I finish my song? "I lost my heart... in San Francisco...Humm, I must be missing my Auntie Ashley.

Look You - I know I can't get rid of you, but remember I'm Number 1. (3/09)

Look You
Gavin's Con

Put up Your Money! - Where's the little ball? Watch Closely. O.K. 5 bucks says you can't find the little ball. (3/09)

Do I Really Have to Go? - I would really rather not go to school Mom...Pleeeeease (3/09)

Do I Have to Go?
School's not so Bad

O.K., Maybe School's Not so Bad - This is my favorite part of this School thing. What time is Cakeke served? (3/09)

Dedicated to the ones I've loved - I want to dedicate this song to all of my past loves whose heart I broke. You know who you are!  (3/09)

Gavin at the Mike
Who do I look like?

Can Anyone Say Alfalfa - I've heard of a Bad Hair Day but this is a little ridiculous. (3/09)

Dude! - Can you dig the Acoustics in here? (6/09)

Guitar Toilet

11/09 - Hey Mom, What do you think of my "Hippie" look?.

1/10 - I could have been a contender! Damn that right cross.

Gavin's First Girl

10/10 - Wow, not only is she cute, she's squeezing my hand. Don't worry Mom, I'll always love you too.

11/10 - I think I've figured out why I never seem to get a good nights sleep! Not enough room in this bed.

Gavin's Dogs
My Little Sister

12/10 - I really Love my Little Sister Hayley

1/11 - Speed, Speed, Speed, I just Love Speed!

Crusin' on Motorcycle
My Girl

2/11 - I've learned to Love school. Where did you say the closet is?

8/11 - You should see the other Guy!

Crusin' on Motorcycle

4/12I just Love the Dodgers, Hot Dogs and Peanuts. It's so exciting I can't help but break out singing!

5/12 - And you think I have it easy!

Gavin and the Girls
My Baseball Trlophy

6/13 - We're Number One....Westhills Cubs

6/13 - More Baseball...The Sockers and our names on our jerseys...how cool is that?

Slobin Jersey
La Cucaracha

7/13 - La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha, ya no puede caminar...Wow, aren't we multilingual?

7/13 - Basketball...so much fun. I'm No. 5. What do you think of my Red Headband and matching wristband? Check out my video and see my basket at 18 seconds


12/13 - OK, Now I know my parents are nuts! Can you believe what they think is fun? OMG, get me off this crazy log ride before my face breaks.

01/14 The first time Gavin was given the opportunity to pitch for his traveling team. Struck out 6 out of 9 batters and a throw out at first. WOW Go Warhawks

Run those Bases

And, in the same game...A Double, Yeah Baby, I do it all.

6/14 - I not only like playing Baseball, I like the history of Baseball and the heros

6/14 Batting in the Big Leagues! Guess who that is pitching to me..Yep, Adrian Gonzalez, A-Gon, Gonzo, first baseman for the L.A. Dodgers. Wow, am I Lucky.  And, check it out, I got a hit!.

Adrian Gonzalez
Batting Batting


10/14 - Happy Holloween. My Sister and I just love dressing up for Holloween.

Holloween 2014
Gavin meets Vince Scully
The Autograph

12/14 - OK, so check this out..My favorite cousin Addy is doing her first Ballet recital. Now, I'm not really into Ballet but I love my cousin Addy so I agree to go...What the heck. Well, who do you think was there to see his granddaughter dancing as well...You got it, Vince Scully. Well it was a little scary but I built up the nerve to go ask for his autograph (and Dad went with me so it wasn't too scary) and I got to meet him, get his autogaph and shake his hand....Wow, I think I love the ballet.

3/15 - My Sister and I have one cool thing in common....matching Freckles

Gavin and the Girls-1

4/15 - Me and my Girls..Hayley, Addison and Mila.

4/15 - Kissing Papa...He's soooo Lucky!

Kissin Papa
Gavin and Parker

6/15 - Me and my best friend Parker.

10/15 - DODGERS...Me and my friend Steel at the Dodger Game with Dad and Papa (but you can't see them, they're taking the pics.

Gavin as Eminem

10/15 - Halloween - Eminem can't rap better than me...Playin ball and thats all, cause there aint no more just need my bat and hat and thats that to the core.

11/15 - What can I say, me and my girls again, oh and Jack too.

Gavin and the
		girls 2
		Chapmionship Win

11/15 - Warhawks - 2015 Veterans Day Tournament Champions. Whooo Hoooo!

12/15 - Yes, me and my girls once again. Boy I sure hope this is a sign of things to come when I'm older :) - surrounded by beautiful girls.

Gavin and the
		Girls 3

12/15 - Had to join in the sing along in school but I'm soooo bored.

12/15 - Now this is dope. Not bored rappin'. I'm goin' to be a rap star.

Jelly Fish Bite On the Zipline

1/16 - Vacation in Cancun. You would think wow, what a fun time, and it was fun, but check out what happened when I zip lined into the water....Yep, a jelly fish bite. Oouuuch!

1/16 - MLK Warhawks Tournament. This was at Field of Dreams in West Covina. WOW, what a place. Great fields, sack shop with full bar, arcade, big screen T.V.'s, a playground for the  younger siblings and on and on and on. Here I am catching.

Gavin Catching
Gavin Catching Gavin Catching
Our Field

Gavin's BooBoo

4/16 - Well, as you can see, Baseball is not just ALL fun.

12/16 - But, Life not just Baseball. I still make time for my Girls :)

Gavin's Girls
The Pitcher

3/17 - OK let's get serious. Catching is sure fun but Pitching is IT, and where my talents really are.

1/18 - 2018 MLK Tournament Champions. I pitched the whole game and we won 11-0. See, I told you my talents were in pitching. Go Warhawks, and boy what a ring

Gavin's Girls
Bar Mitzvah

7/19 - Well it isn't Baseball but I had a great time at my Bar Mitzvah in Nana's backyard. Sooo much fun!

7/19 - OMG! Check out Mom, Dad and Me in Cooperstown. We played a tournament at the Baseball Hall of Fame. What a trip

Gavin's Girls

2020 - We now move into the infamous 2020


The Corona Virus (Covid-19) changed the way we lived our lives. Masks and Social Distancing along with meticulous hand washing became the norm, at least for the first half of 2020 and certainly impacted the way we photographed our experiences. As a result, there were very few pictures for publication so the picture below is representative of the crazy year.

2020 - We always gave Papa a picture of his 4 grandkids for Father's Day. 2020 was no different, but the picture sure was. As they say, a picture is worth a 1,000 words

Masked Grandkids

Covid-19 lasted into 2021

The Corona Virus (Covid-19) of 2020 continued to hang around through 2021 and as a result, there continued to be few pictures for publication.

My New Car - WOW!


1/22 - Yep, I got my Driver's permit and look what Mom and Dad bought for me! OMG am I one lucky guy

Calabasas Baseball


3/22 - Well, I think I'm getting the hang of this pitching thing! Get the sign, wind up and the PITCH

Gavin Ross Slobin ©2006-2022. All rights reserved.