Here I Am! (Well sort of..)
December 26, 2008
13 Weeks in utero and Beautiful Already
This is My Page that Papa Built
Well, maybe "Here I Am" is a little pre-mature but what the heck. My
cousins Hayley and Gavin have their own webpage so I think Papa just
couldn't wait.
I'm about 13 weeks old right now and I'm warm and cuddly in Mommy's
womb. I know I've made Mommy a little sick but she'll see I'm well
worth it.
Do you notice I'm hiding my nose? Just want you all to wonder if
it's going to look like my Great Grandma Mary's. Well, you'll have
to wait a while longer, they tell me I'm going to be here for
another 26 weeks or so. For those of you math challenged out there,
that should be about July 2009. See you then.
Hang in there...More to come!
4/09 Update: I'm not here yet but everything is going along very
nicely and Mommy is feeling better as well. Hurry Back...I'm
arriving 3 months, give or take a day. Boy, I can't wait and
apparently neither can Papa.
5/09 -
O.K., I thought I'd let you see the nose. Yep, Great Granma Mary
alright. Don't ask, I have no idea whose cheeks those are. Oh Yeah,
the doctor said I weigh over 5lbs already. Well, that's it for now.
See you on (or about) July 5th.
6/09 -
O.K. Addison, we've been waiting and waiting. Can you please hurry up?
6/24/09 - YEA! I'M HERE. And, earlier than we thought. 7lbs 12 ozs 19½"
long and Oops...lots of Black Hair.
WAIT...OMG...It's freezing out here. What's that rubber gloved hand
pushing down on my "boobies". HELP...Put me back.
6/24/09 - Where are all those organs I've been leaning against? I feel like I'm falling. Too
much space out here.
6/24/09 - I know I complained about all the space but if you'd
loosen this wrap just a little, maybe I could get my tongue to stay in.
6/24/09 - Look how happy mom is now that I'm out of her belly. Boy, I
thought she liked carrying me around in there.
6/24/09 - Mom, Dad and Me. What else it there to say. Oh yeah, how about a
shave Dad? My skin is very sensitive.
6/27/09 - Alright, I'll stay out here, this is cool. Hey Dad, don't be
nervous, I think I've got this being out of the womb thing down.
6/27/09 - Wow, Bebe has a soft chest also. Look at how relaxed Bebe looks
holding me, she's become quite the "pro" since her days with my cousin
6/27/09 - Check it out! Here's Dad, Auntie Michie, Auntie Ashee, Cousin Gavin and Cousin
Hayley. Hey, this looks like deja vu. Gavin, Hayley and Me. Wow,
that's something to look forward to.
Some more of my family - Boy, I'm getting dizzy being
passed around
O.K. you've seen the family, now let's get back to me..
7/09 - Wow, Up all night drinking (poor Mom) now I just want to catch some
zzzzzz's, just me and lovey!
What a Life!
8/6/09 - This is Cool. There's this big box over there with people
moving and talking. Dad calls it a TV. He said I'm going to love it.
He calls this "Chillin'. I don't get it, is it Chillin' or is it TV?
Oh well, who cares, this is kinda cool, Me and Dad alone, at least
till I get hungry, then it's Me and Mommy's Boob.
9/09 - Do you have any idea what's under this shirt? Yeah Baby!
9/09 - Tell the truth.. Does this bathtub make my stomach look big?.
11/09 - What? If you think these prunes look bad on my face, wait till you see the other
end in about an hour!
2/10 - So, let me get this right. You want me to kick him into a run and
circle around those barrels? Are you Nuts?
6/10 - You Talkin' to Me?
11/10 - Hello, does anyone notice this pink spidery thing on my head?
12/10 - Mom...I think I used the wrong shampoo!
12/10 - Party, Did I hear someone say Party? Let's go, I'm ready..Paarrtee!
12/10 - C,mon Babe..Plant one on me and hurry before my Dad shows up.
Do these Beads mean we're going steady?
1/11 - Mom, don't get nervous, I still LOVE you...but cousin Jack sure feel good and he's a pretty good
03/11 - This is a great magazine! So, it says for "Potty" Training,
place soft cushion on toilet seat, place stool for foot comfort, put
me on...So, then what? Oh, can someone turn the water on
12/11 - Presents, Presents..I Looovvve Presents.
1/12 - Yes, I can sing as well as dance.
6/12 - My Cousin and my Best Friend Hayley. Muah!
5/12 - Won Ton Soup...Yummy. I can do Joy Feast Papa!
7/12 - Me and Daddy making funny faces.
9/12 -Me feeding Moo..Ain't I cool.
12/12 - Mila got this silly outfit for xmas so I had to get one too. Oh the
2/13 -Me and Mila on my new saddle that Papa and Uncle RaRa gave me.
6/13 - Me, Mila and my cousins Gavin and Hayley. What a gorgeous group!
11/13 - OK Really...Where have you ever seen such beautiful girls?.
11/13 - Me and my BFF cousin Hayley!
11/13 - Me and my sister Mila Grace. Really...Just
Hangin around.
6/14 - Me with Mommy and Daddy at my Graduation from Temple Judea.
7/14 - Me and my BFF cousin Hayley. What a pair we make!
We're going to drive the boys nuts in a few years!
7/14 - They told me not to put my fingers in that electric socket!.
9/14 - Seriously, have you ever seen a better looking Beach Bum
10/14 - Mila and Me checking out the Pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch. Holloween is almost here, Yeah!.
10/14 - Happy Holloween to everyone,
my Sister and I love getting dressed up. She has quite a funny face,
doesn't she?
12/14 - Wow check out the Fischer Girls! Can you see it? Can you? They get their beauty from me.
2/15 - Say hello to the Fischer Family!
4/15 - Me and my handsome Dad. It's his birthday month.
4/15 - Me and Mila just Love the beach. Are we sexy or what?
4/15 - Me and my beautiful Auntie Michelle. Isn't our hair just beautiful?.
5/15 - Me, Mila and Daddy just Hangin'
5/15 - Me and Mila are helping Bebe eat Breakfast, yummy!.
10/15 - This soccer stuff, running and kicking and blocking, just makes me
11/15 - Me and my beautiful cousins.
11/15 - Me and Hayley love ice skating.
12/15 - Just chillin' with Mila, Gavin and Hayley. No, that's not my thumb in my mouth, I had an itch on my
1/16 - This is weird. Here I am today and in the same spot 5 years ago at
Disneyland. Wow, I've really grown up!
5/16 - Me and my BFF cousin Hayley. We're together a lot so sorry if you get tired of our pics.
3/17 - More Cousin Love (plus Sis). Wow how lucky am I to have such wonderful and beautiful cousins
(and Sis).
5/17 - See. I told you you'd be seeing lots of pictures of me and my BFF. How about this one, years apart.
5/18 - See, I play with Mila a lot as well, not just with Hayley.
7/18 - Yep, you're right...It's me and Hayley again.
12/18 - It's me, Mila and Mamma. Aren't we a beautiful trio?
2/19 - Check me out, breaking boards in my Karate class.
Don't mess with me. Well, at least Dad won't need
his shotgun :)
12/19 - Me and Hayley again and Mila to help eliminate the boredom. Boredom, can you believe the silly suits we are all
dressed up in? WTH?
2020 - We now move into the infamous 2020
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) changed the way we lived our lives. Masks and Social Distancing along with
meticulous hand washing became the norm, at least for the first half
of 2020 and certainly impacted the way we photographed our experiences. As a result, there were very few pictures for publication so the picture below is
representative of the crazy year.
2020 - We always gave Papa a picture of his 4 grandkids for Father's Day. 2020 was no different, but the picture sure was. As they say, a picture is
worth a 1,000 words
Covid-19 lasted into 2021
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) of 2020
continued to hang around through 2021 and as a result, there continued to be few pictures for publication.
2/22 - The only thinjg more fun than playing soccer is winning a trophy/medal for playing soccer
3/22 - C'mon Mom, I just wanted to show you how I dance